Chức năng Body-Spin hiện đại giúp máy xoay 180⁰C d

Wells The One - Smart technology, enhancing trendy living standards

Tankless 9-stage filtration technology system

  • 2-core 9-stage filtration system: Wells Multi Carbon Plus & Neo Nano Clean, removes 7 heavy metals, 35 (99.9%) toxic microorganisms, retains natural minerals
  • H+ filter (Contains mineral ceramic + antibacterial ceramic): Purifies water again

Exclusive cooling technology

Direct cooling with dual pipes, without using a tank. Fast cooling speed, less than 3 seconds, capable of continuously creating cold water, water temperature always ensures balance & stability.

In addition, Wells’s technology also has the ability to prevent reverse bacterial infection. This is something that not every product on the market can do.

Công nghệ khử trùng & thoát nước tự động

  • Electrolysis technique to create safe cleaning solution (HClO)
  • Automatically disinfect all pipes every 3 days
  • After 24 hours, do not use the machine to automatically drain water from the pipes

The piping system is made from virgin plastic

  • No need to replace during use
  • No leaks or rust. Absolutely waterproof

PIR sensor technology

  • No need to replace during use
  • No leaks or rust. Absolutely waterproof
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